Which one will work better for you simply depends on. The meaning of HYPERFOCAL DISTANCE is the nearest distance upon which a photographic lens may be focused to produce satisfactory definition at infinity. Just like both flashlights will take you out of the dark, both modes of thinking will help you understand a subject better. Overfocused ADD is a type of ADD characterized by inflexible cognitive thinking, inability to appropriately shift one’s attention from task to task and can also include hyper-focused, argumentativeness, obsessiveness, and excessive worrying. You fucking step foot in my room and claim that you have a 'super power', when it's actually just the 40mg of amphetamine salts in fucking Adderall and the bias from your Mom that enables you to feel as if you can actually 'hyperfocus'. With focused thinking, your brain processes very specific information deeply with diffuse thinking, the brain analyzes much more information at once but in less depth. Jay: What the fuck, right back at you bitch. Dave: What the fuck? You guys are assholes. Ohhhh, so that's why he has superpowers! Jay: Jimmy, you know that was a joke? Jimmy: Oh.I know.a joke. Jay: Yo Jimmy, maybe Dave's Mom fucked superman. Dave: You guys never take me seriously.you can even ask my Mom about it.

Jay: Uh huh.and Jimmy would be straight if he wasn't raped when he was 5. That's right, but If I would have played from an early age I would have been really good. Jay: Dave, you don't even play baseball? Dave. Hyperfocus has made me significantly better at baseball, art, and somewhat in music. In todays business environment, hypercompetition is focused upon making quick decisions intended to disrupt the competitive advantage of market leaders. Definition of hyper- (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : above : beyond : super- hypermarket. Jay: No shit, I can concentrate really hard too. Dave: Well basically I can utilize and focus my energies on stuff, so I can become really, really focused on something. Have I ever mentioned to you guys that I can hyperfocus? Jimmy & Jay. Dave: Yea you're right, I do have great morals. Jay: I personally would have given you the nickname 'realistic' or 'trustworthy' because you're always believable and never stretch the truth. You know, because I have ADHD and take Adderall. Dave: Hey guys, what are you up to? Jay: Nothing much, you? Dave: Well, I just finished with scuba diving class, and I got the nickname Addy.

Second, only fucking forty year old women and fags watch that show. Jimmy: Hey Jay-boy, did you happen to catch last night's episode of Ugly Betty? Jay: First off, never call me 'Jay-boy' again or I'll whoop the fucking shit out of you.